Friday 16 February 2007

Some Basic Universal Principles Upon Which to Build

Principle of Allowance (releasing control and manipulation of beings and experience)
Principle of Attraction (what you give is what you get - like attracts like)
Principle of Intention (placing intent in creation of new experience)
Principle of Harmony and Balance (that which manifests when the others are applied)

Principle of Allowance. The principle of allowance is the most difficult of the three active or dynamic universal principles to accept as necessary and to practice. It is essential to understand the principle of attraction in order to apply the principle of allowance. The composite of thoughts, opinions and attitudes of each individual generate the experience patterns of living. Through the flow of daily experiences these are filtered through this composite of each one’s total collective experience. In this way the pattern or matrix is in a dynamic and fluid process. When attitudes and opinions are deliberately programmed within a limited set of rigid guidelines, the activity level of the total pattern of experience begins to slow. The key is the word deliberately. This means that the guidelines are imposed, not by the individual through knowledge experienced into wisdom but by the beliefs imposed on the individual by those he/she considers outside authorities. The pattern of each individual as a whole attracts to itself life experiences that resonate in harmony with that pattern. If a person desires some thing or some experience that does not resonate with that pattern, it is difficult, if not impossible to attract it. Two divergent patterns cannot blend cohesively. By honoring what is, the Principle of Attraction is invoked.

Principle of Attraction. Simply stated, like attracts like. The principle of attraction magnetizes the object of the focused thought that was "sent out into the creational field of energy" and it is returned to the point of origin. When the point of origin is vibrating at the slower rate, it appears within the sequential time orientation to manifest very slowly.

It is essential to understand the principle of attraction in order to apply the principle of allowance. The composite of thoughts, opinions and attitudes of each individual generate the experience patterns of living. Through the flow of daily experiences these are filtered through this composite of each one’s total collective experience. In this way the pattern or matrix is in a dynamic and fluid process. When attitudes and opinions are deliberately programmed within a limited set of rigid guidelines, the activity level of the total pattern of experience begins to slow. The key is the word deliberately. This means that the guidelines are imposed, not by the individual through knowledge experienced into wisdom but by the beliefs imposed on the individual by those he/she considers outside authorities. The pattern of each individual as a whole attracts to itself life experiences that resonate in harmony with that pattern. If a person desires some thing or some experience that does not resonate with that pattern, it is difficult, if not impossible to attract it. Two divergent patterns cannot blend cohesively.

A child is born into its family situation, or lack of one, in innocence, except for inherited genetic coding. It is totally influenced in its experience by the same thoughts, attitudes and opinions of its parents until it is old enough to begin to attract some of its own experiences. Eventually it graduates to its own field of attraction, but the pattern of its matrix is already present. The direct influence of the family is present to the degree of acceptance of those thoughts, attitudes and opinions by the maturing individual. The physical attributes present also contribute to the attitudes that develop during the maturation process. Parental, teacher and peer influences all play their part. More layers of influence are present. The thoughts, attitudes and opinions of groups input to the individual matrix. Identities within ethnic, neighborhood, city, region, state, nation, etc, add their influence. Next add the conscious and subconscious programming by radio, TV, movies, newspapers, magazines, and on-line information. Each of these composite patterns is received and filtered through thought, opinion and attitude to create the individual resonating matrix.

As the overall life experience for a major portion of the inhabitants of the planet becomes measurably more complex, the matrix designs have become less defined. The resulting confusion and overwhelm being experienced has become more intense reflecting this lack of matrix definition. This appears as self-absorption as each attempts to stay focused within the vagueness of their indefinite pattern. The resulting feelings of overwhelm and lack of definition allows for the planners of dark deeds to tighten the noose of creeping enslavement literally before the eyes of the victims without their notice. Those awake and awakening are incredulous that the situation has reached this ludicrous degree.

Principle of Intention. In the case of the existing Game, it requires the total inclusion of those involved. It does not matter what the thoughts are as long as they support the plan. Complicity involves believing the intent of those involved is for the good of all. Perhaps now you can see the power of sympathy for the afflicted ones around your globe. This supports the victim consciousness that is required, for it is complicity in disguise. Do you not consider them victims of war or natural disaster or poverty? You must take a deep breath, accept your part in bringing support to their feelings of victimhood. They too have responsibility in the creation of those situations. Your sympathy will not solve their misery. Your deliberate choice to create a new paradigm of experience will do that. Withdrawing your focus of attention and bringing it toward creating a new experience will bring the change about far more quickly than repeatedly sending aid while considering them poor innocent victims. Does this sound hard hearted? From our point of view, it is hard hearted to be part of the creation of these horrendous situations in the first place. You must deliberately choose to implement your desire to create a whole new experience for them as well as yourselves. When you choose to place your intent beyond the play perceived by the 5 senses, and place it instead into the creation of a new experience, you are withdrawing your consent and support of the experience in which you no longer wish to participate. You are using the second Principle of the Universe.

If you simply focus on change then expect chaos within your life for that will be the change you create until you decide upon some more precise idea of what you want in your experience. The process of how this works involves a Universal Principle called Attraction.

●The key is not in acting out resistance to the current apparent situation, circumstance and apparent events, but in focusing on the desired outcome. The act of holding the desired outcome within the emotions of desire and idea of the outcome is the application of the Principle of Allowance. This is the most difficult of all of the Principles to apply, for the events that are happening will still reflect the expression of the established process until the focus of the desired outcome is beginning to influence the total picture.

Thus it is important to find positive attributes in the current experience to appreciate and honor even as a new paradigm of experience is desired. This is the paradox that is found through out creation. In order to have what is new, it is necessary to honor aspects of what is present as a stepping stone on which to stand before creating a new stepping stone to continue the progress. To honor something does not make it necessary to carry it on into the next phase. Again it is necessary to point out that the grateful heart reflects a feeling aspect that resonates with the Principle of Attraction that brings into experience more for which to be grateful. It is the way it works.

Principle of Harmony and Balance: There is a fundamental call within each for balance. The lack of ability to choose experiences freely causes a distortion of energy pattern that brings intuitional discomfort and searching to change that feeling. This need is then lead into unending streams of unfulfilling pursuits by those who would change the destiny of this planetary experience.

Those changes that will lead to the establishment of balance and harmony receive input of supporting energy that strengthens and hastens the process.

In Conclusion: It is in learning to rely on the self-awareness to perceive where each is within the application and understanding of these principles that underlie all of manifested reality. That will replace the programmed need to look outside to some power greater than self for the gift of permission to do something or to fulfill a desire. It is up to the self to attain that desire through the application of those principles for the self and in cooperation with others. Thought properly intended thinks and acts through to completion if properly held in mental and emotional focus for positive change. Focus is “lightly” held by the mind. If you intend for your body to move from one room to the other, it simply does by acting on your intentional motivation for it to do so. It acts entirely within the Universal Principle of Intention into manifested action. It is not even a conscious thought, it is an intended action, and it happens. The subtlety of this example demonstrates the power of intention that is “lightly held” but is yet confidently expected to happen. It would be well for this example to be contemplated and carefully understood.

Through the coordinated and integrated action of the first three Principles of the Universe, the 4th Principle of Harmony and Balance will manifest into reality. This is not to say that there are no polarity experiences within the Principle of Balance and Harmony. Indeed there are, however, there is not the extremes of experience leading to great imbalance. These are merely lessons of discernment that demonstrate knowledge lived into wisdom.

The Universal Principles when properly invoked can bring about wondrous changes in situations that otherwise would remain stuck within their current motion and momentum. This remarkable process results in complete re-arrangement of energetic forces that are in motion. This causes a period of chaotic energy shifting but can happen quickly if it is released (allowed) to complete the process without the input of imposed restrictions to its motion by the “intender” by continually adding thoughts to the process on how the Principles must bring about the desired focus. It is this necessary release/allowance that is the key. The educational process has brought mankind many blessings, but it has also allowed for great limitations. The Handbook for a New Paradigm can be found via my articles of interest links.

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